Open Letter from 1972 alumnus, Ron Friesen to Dan Martin

Ron Friesen, Guest Writer

Dear President Martin,

As a ‘72 alumnus of SPU (SPC), I read with great dismay the refusal to hire, full-time, Mr. Rinedahl due to his sexual orientation. This is a huge black mark for the University as well as the entire Christian community. It is no longer credible to assert the redeeming love of Christ and at the same time, assert parochial, man-made rules which fly in the face of the infinite value God has ascribed to all his children.

I no longer believe as I did in 1972. Back then, my 22-year-old self would have enthusiastically agreed with this treatment of Mr. Rinedahl. But thanks to my wonderful training at SPC to carefully and humbly seek God’s will, a very simple truth came into focus. Man ascribes value based on wealth, position, and power. God has ascribed infinite value to every person with no strings attached. How can this be?

Our understanding is compromised by our wealth, just as the parable of the rich man’s difficulty getting into heaven. I fear the leadership of SPU continues to be compromised by our western values. Others are “better than” Mr. Rinedahl due to his sexual orientation according to SPU’s (man-made) rules. How does this square with God’s view? It does not and cannot.

Frankly, I call for repentance: repentance for arrogance; repentance for “looking down” on a precious child of God; and, repentance for putting man’s laws above God’s law which is the ultimate evil we all must abhor.

I pray the “great awakening” will finally come when we finally proclaim, and live out, the message of love and value God sent to us through Jesus Christ, who was the only one who could make the infinite sacrifice for our infinite value.

Please lead. It is time. And may the love of God, not the rules of man, guide you.

Ron Friesen ‘72