Student stances on primaries

SPU remains largely indifferent towards U.S. Presidential Primary Elections


Kyle Morrison, Staff Reporter

The Democratic party is currently going through the process of deciding who it will nominate for the general presidential election. Through a series of primary elections and caucuses, each state is given the chance to voice their opinion and choose who they believe will be the best candidate to take on President Donald Trump in the general election as he runs for reelection.

This Tuesday, the race took an unexpected turn as Joe Biden won nine of the 14 states up for grabs. This incredible night for the former vice president was highlighted by an upset victory in Texas, where Bernie Sanders was heavily favored.

Many of these states will continue to count votes throughout the week, making the official vote count murky. It is clear that going into the primaries occuring in Washington State and other states next Tuesday that Joe Biden will hold a slight lead, according to five thirty

The state of Washington will be holding its primary March 10, and with a majority of the country also holding their primaries in the month of March, The Falcon conducted a poll of 100 Seattle Pacific University students to see how they stand on the upcoming election.

According to the poll, 30% of SPU voters polled are undecided on who they will be voting for in the upcoming primaries, 22% of SPU students stated they will not be voting in the primaries and 12% are registered Republicans who cannot vote for Democratic candidates in the primaries. This also holds true for the 5% of SPU students who registered independents and the 1% that is registered as libertarian.

Only 30% of the SPU students polled have a clear idea of who they are voting for in the Democratic primaries.

Fifteen percent of SPU voters will be voting for Vermont Senator and self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders on March 10.

Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren holds 6% of SPU voters, as did former South Bend, Indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg before he dropped out on Sunday night.
Former Vice President Joe Biden will get the vote of 2% of the SPU electorate, while two former candidates who dropped out of the race this weekend: Minnesota senator Amy Klobuchar and businessman Tom Steyer each held 1% of the SPU vote.

When analyzing the heavy support for Bernie Sanders, multiple SPU students touted their approval of his tax policies along with his climate change ideals, as well as his tuition forgiveness program.

“He’s the only candidate that talks about climate change and education which are very important topics we should talk about in the now,” Taylor Younker said

Some students kept their reasoning very simple.

“I want free tuition and free college,” Giovany Gonzalez said.

Elizabeth Warren is receiving serious consideration from SPU student voters, as was Buttiegeg before he dropped out of the race.

Despite the recent suspension of his campaign, Buttigieg still has support amongst SPU students. Those who planned on voting for Buttigieg favor his moderate approach.

“If democrats head further down the path they are on of electing Bernie (Sanders), he is pretty far to left and a lot of moderates won’t like that,” Kathryn VanMaanen said.

“Pete has the best chance and he is the most middle ground,” Emily Palmer said.

Warren, who shares many of the same positions as Bernie Sanders on issues such as health care, taxing and college, is also appealing to some students.

“I’m voting for Elizabeth Warren because I feel like I can actually trust the things that she says,” Chaney Holland said. “She’s the type of candidate who will put in policies that won’t just benefit the majority and will benefit everyone in the county.”

As the primary process unfolds, many SPU students have a clear idea of who they want to vote for, whether it’s one of the democratic nominees above or for President Donald Trump.

Yet the majority of SPU students polled are still either unsure or apathetic. No matter what happens over the next few months at SPU and beyond, the country will be faced with deciding who it’s chief executive will be for the next four years. Voting will take place nation-wide Nov. 3, 2020.