SPU’s Intramurals see new student leadership
Sports and activities for students who do not have time for NCAA athletics.
October 9, 2019
As students begin college or return to campus, they also leave behind their various ways of being active in high school and during the summer. While all of the residence halls have their own gyms, going to the gym is usually a solitary activity that doesn’t involve others.
For those looking to stay fit and have fun with other students, intramural sports is an option.

Colby Nelson juggles a soccer ball on the turf of Wallace Field on Tuesday, Oct. 8th. Nelson has played soccer in the past, and is seeking to continue participating in the game by joining Intramural Soccer this fall.
Leilani Miller, a junior and student coordinator for intramurals at Seattle Pacific University, talked about her time juggling activities in high school.
“I just knew that I wasn’t going to have the time or the energy to be involved in competing with other schools with major sports here,” Miller said. “For me, it’s always been something really important and I feel really grateful to be involved in helping other people have access to that because it is something that is a lot less demanding. I feel like it is a nice escape rather than a chore.”
She explained how time management can be hard for a lot of students who have different priorities to balance since they don’t have time to be in major athletics, with practices everyday and games every week.
“Some kids don’t have enough time in their schedule to be a part of a competitive sport and, basically, we just wanted to have a really inclusive space where anyone can come and anyone can take an hour or two hours out of their week to kind of let off steam and play competitively, and non-competitively,” she added.
Miller explained that intramurals can be a friendly space where students can escape and participate in activities that gives them time to rest their brains and be active once, or twice, a week.
Miller is part of a staff that is replacing recently graduated students, which has a clear vision and focus to moving the program forward.
Miller, along with Lily Morgan, are both co-student coordinators of intramurals. Miller said that their priority right now is getting more students involved and letting more people access information about intramurals.
Last year, Miller wasn’t aware of all the information regarding intramurals because it was not as publicized as it is today.
“[We are] just trying to spread awareness that it’s there because, in my experience, I was mildly aware that there was much offered in terms of intramurals.”
Last year, Miller participated in intramural badminton in the spring. She also cited Zumba and “Ripped,” a workout program similar to crossfit, as activities students should look forward to this year. She said that as demand and participation for an activity or sport increases, the more likely the activity will take place again the next quarter.
Intramurals options that are being offered this quarter include Zumba and basketball on Mondays; soccer and open gym on Tuesdays; volleyball on Wednesdays; soccer on Thursdays; and ultimate frisbee and Ripped on Friday.

In this 2017 file photo, SPU students are pictured playing basketball as part of the Intramural Sports program. Each quarter SPU offers various intramural sports for students to choose from.
Miller and her team are working in order to grow the publicity and attraction of Intramurals so more students learn about the different activities offered and join in.
“I feel like things are going to evolve as student interest evolves,” Miller said.
Students can register to play as an athlete or volunteer to be a referee or scorekeeper at www.imleagues.com/spu. For more information, email [email protected] or follow @spuintramurals on instagram or facebook.