Loving from a distance
“To All the Boys: Always and Forever” elegantly captures the true way to love someone among disagreement
February 19, 2021

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Audience beware,
We have spoilers for you.
With Valentine’s day being less than a week ago, the release of “To All the Boys: Always and Forever,” starring Lana Condor as Lara Jean Song Covey and Noah Centineo as Peter Kavinsky, could not have come at a better time. This film is the third and final installment of the “To All the Boys” trilogy, and quite honestly, the best.
Rather than focusing on fake relationships and conflicts between two opposing boys, “To All the Boys: Always and Forever” was able to finally show who Lara Jean and Peter were as a couple and as individuals. The depth of these two characters tremendously increased from that of the previous films and it created more of an impact.
The struggles of moving onto college after high school are accurately portrayed in this film as the audience follows the well developed characters of Lara Jean and Peter through the emotional rollercoaster of finding oneself and figuring out a long distance relationship.
The most impactful part of this movie, however, was not that they actually ended up together, but rather how they showed what it truly means to love someone.

In the film, the audience is shown that loving someone is not to be simply infatuated with them. It also shows us that we should not expect them to be absolutely perfect. It is not about making them sacrifice their dreams and goals for our happiness; our personal happiness should matter more.
If you love someone you have to fight to keep that love no matter what life throws at you. You have to be willing to let them figure out who they are even if it doesn’t benefit you in the way that you have hoped, which is exactly what Peter did.
This film does an exceptional job of relating to college aged audiences. It shows them that they are not the only ones who are struggling to be away from the people they dearly love. It evokes feelings of heartbreak, yet hope, inside of audience members who may be in the same dismal situation as Lara Jean.
This dynamic couple had originally planned to attend Stanford together, but when Lara Jean is not accepted into their dream college, she must evaluate what she wants for her future. These plans are for her own individual life this time, not just for her and Peter’s relationship. This is when we really get a taste of who Lara Jean is away from him and what she actually wants for her life.

She attempts to find her own place in the world, even though the thought of hurting Peter almost derails her plans. She even had thought of transferring after her freshman year to Stanford just to satisfy him, but she would have sacrificed her own dream in doing that.
Lara Jean’s decision to follow her dreams in spite of Peter’s initial disapproval shows the audience it can be a challenge to look past the happiness of your partner in favor of your own, but it is important to not let your own life be changed by theirs. It may feel as if you are betraying them by changing the plan, but ultimately one needs to do what’s best for themselves. She did something that would benefit her in the end, no matter if her and Peter lasted the four years they were apart.
Toward the end of the movie, an unexpected conflict creates tension that goes much too far and causes a divide between the two lovebirds.
Luckily, for those rooting for Covey and Kavinsky, not all hope was lost and they eventually found their way back to each other. After a bit of soul searching and realization on the part of Peter Kavinsky, we see that he finally understands how he is supposed to love Lara Jean.
This movie sent a message that many movies do not. It shows the world that love does not have to be about completely satisfying your partner or putting their needs above your own.