Perspective Piece: Love in mind
October 16, 2020

What can withstand a Mother’s love?
In homes with hedges, hidden and pristine
she lives in the falling rain; the cooing dove.
What can withstand a Mother’s love?
Closed doors pounded; dreams require a shove,
passions tested, shaken, and “redeemed”
What can withstand a Mother’s love
In homes with hedges, hidden and pristine?
Her well, now full, overwhelm this shriveling drought.
She falls into the boughs of spring’s sweet embrace.
Rebirth and renewal transcend pain, fear, and doubt.
Her well, now full, overwhelm this shriveling drought.
The silence becomes unbearable, her anger pouring out.
Tears streak, voices shriek, and a Mother’s err erased.
Her well, now full, overwhelmed that shriveling drought
when she fell into the boughs of spring’s sweet embrace.
She has found love in another’s soft arms,
With no grudges in hand or misdeeds in mind,
their eyes do not pierce or judge, but disarm.
Although she has found love in another’s soft arms,
she still cries for the lost love she was assigned.
But she has found love in another’s soft arms,
so she has no grudges in hand or misdeeds in mind.