ASSP discusses future events, positions
Only one-third of the way through the school year, senate is already preparing for next school year.
By the end of this quarter, all ASSP Core office positions will be hired for next school year.
ASSP Core applications officially open on Jan. 29, on Orgsync. The applications will stay open for two weeks, closing on Feb. 12.
The primary election voting round will be Feb. 28 and the general elections will be on Mar. 7.
This round of elections will be for ASSP Core and Senator positions.
Coordinator position applications will be opening towards the end of winter quarter and beginning of spring quarter.
“I have really appreciated the chance to see the inner workings of the university, to have the opportunity to connect with people like the dean of students,or the vice president of student life and people who have a lot of decision making power within the university,” Meier said.
Meier recognizes the challenges of the being in student leadership, but believes in its role on campus.
“It’s a job; it’s a lot of work, but I have been so excited about the connections and skills that I have been able to build in this position,” she continued.
In Other Business:
1. ASSP President Mary Liu announced the Senior Gift Committee is looking for seniors to come together and brainstorm what gift this senior/graduating class can give to the SPU. “I’m really excited to see what creative ideas our seniors have to leave a legacy for our class and also to represent what we bring to SPU and to represent how much we value SPU and how much we got out of it,” said ASSP President Mary Liu.
2. Meier announced that the Student Leadership Development Committee has planned the next SLDC Conference to be Tuesday, Jan. 30, in Upper Gwinn at 7 p.m. The speaker will be speaking on emotional intelligence. “We are super excited about the speaker we are bringing in. He was awarded the recognition of the Huffington Post ‘Most Influential Social Media Leader of the year,’” Meier said.
3. Meier announced that State Of The Association, a panel of ASSP Core officers, will be held on Feb. 8 from 6 to 8 p.m. The location is to be decided. This is a platform for students to ask questions of ASSP Core and for ASSP Core to be transparent with the student body. “The hope for SOTA is to give feedback and create transparency to the student body about how students’ money is being spent at SPU, what we are doing in our roles, the inner workings of student government to let them know what is going on,” Meier said.
4. ASSP Vice President of Campus Ministries Kathryn Baumheckel announced that the ministry office is in search of a ministry marketer. This is a paid leadership position on campus.
5. Senate appointed Senator Izzy Trask for the CHA position and Jasmine Hassanein for the Arnett Hall council position.
6. ASSP Vice President of Campus Activities Garett Berkey announced that the Outdoor Recreation Program has released their winter quarter schedule. On the schedule, Jan. 20 is marked as a climbing day. Another engagement opportunity includes a yurt camping trip on Jan. 27 to 28. Fifteen students will have the opportunity to go to Astoria, Oregon for the weekend.
7. ASSP Vice President of Intercultural Affairs Melissa Del Rio announced the Intercultural Retreat will be on March 3 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at El Central De La Raza on Beacon Hill, which will include a scavenger hunt.“I wanted to make Intercultural Retreat day more accessible to students with jobs. So, people only have to take off one day instead of the whole weekend,” Del Rio said, explaining the changes that will happen with Intercultural Retreat.