As the end of another quarter rolls around at Seattle Pacific University, campus life usually begins to quiet down as students start to study for finals and get ready to go back home for break. Despite this, the 2024 autumn quarter seems to be shaping up to defy tradition and close out with an event to bring some fun and energy to campus.
On Wednesday, Nov. 20 at 4:30 p.m., Tiffany Loop will be the center of a game of Capture the Flag. Put together by resident assistants from both Ashton 5th East and 4th Arnett in association with Residence Life, the event is scheduled to have refreshments, excitement, and hopefully a lot of students looking to take a break from the stresses of school life and to have fun.
Third-year politics philosophy and economics student Jack Wiebe is one of the RAs involved in putting the event together. According to him, the hope for the event is to keep things straightforward, fun and full of reasons for students to attend.
“It’s gonna be a pretty simple event,” Wiebe said. “We’re gonna play capture the flag and have a good time. We’re gonna have a lot of refreshments. There’s gonna be some Gatorade, some Red Bull, and some other snacks too. We just hope that everyone comes out and has some fun.”
Third-year business administration student Elizabeth Lacambra is the other RA involved with the event. As she explained, contrary to how most events are organized, putting together this event was done at a breakneck speed.
“The process of creating the event has actually been pretty short,” Lacambra said.“It’s definitely been a fast process. We’ve been working hard to get everything set up on time. We ended up reaching out to the poster team on pretty short notice.”
Lacambra described the importance of making an event where everyone all around campus can participate on equal footing.
“We definitely wanted to do something for the event that wasn’t gender-based,” Lacambra said. “Before we’ve done a lot of events like hide and seek and stuff like that where everybody could be involved. It’s open to everyone, but there was also a lot of planning so that both of our floors would enjoy the event. I reached out to Jack to ask him what his residents wanted from the event as well.”
Both RAs are hopeful that the event will be a success. Wiebe’s pitch to students on the fence about coming: emphasized the importance of having a good time and looking to play hard.
“I hope that people show up, and if they do, I’m hoping that they’ll bring the energy,” Wiebe said. “That’s really the important part, bring the energy and have a great time. I think that the game is gonna go really well if people do that, so make sure you come excited and ready to go.”
According to Lacambra, this upcoming event is only going to be the beginning of RAs creating events to bring excitement throughout SPU’s campus, and hopefully many of them will come to fruition very soon.
“We’re hoping to do a lot of events that promote health and wellness as we begin to close out the term,” Lacambra said. “There’s been a lot of RAs partnering up recently like we did to do some events, so hopefully you’ll be seeing a lot of activity over the next few weeks. There should be a lot of events that are coming up that are similar to this one, so make sure to be on the lookout for those too.”