The sun was shining last week and there wasn’t a cloud in sight, but rivers of water were running down the road on the east end of the Dravus parking lot next to Beegle Hall. The rains will be coming, but the cause was explained by an underground leak.
According to Bethany Davis, the Assistant Vice President for Facility & Project Management,
“The leak was caused by a point of failure on an underground water line serving the Falcon Newspaper building and Beegle Hall” Davis said.
Fixing the leak was far from simple, Davis explained,
“[it involved] excavating, removing dirt and excess water with a Vactor truck, and replacing a section of water line. Water to both buildings was temporarily turned off to facilitate the repair.”
The signs and tape were up from Wednesday the 9th until Friday the 11th, but the activity was completed in a day. Water to both the Falcon Newspaper and Beegle Hall buildings was turned back on by Thursday afternoon.